Unexpected connection initiation segment read (no, I don't know what THAT means).
The connection has been successfully closed.
Eudora had to give up.
The connection timed out.
Security or precedence problem.
The network failed (what this means is 'to be supplied in a future version of the MacTCP documentation', fat lot of good that does).
Lost connection to the server.
Not enough memory is available to issue the needed DNR query or to build the DNR cache.
The domain name server has returned an error.
None of the known name servers are responding.
This domain name does not exist.
No name server can be found for the specified name string.
No result procedure is passed to the address translation call when the resolver must be used to find the address.
The name specified cannot be found in the cache. The domain name resolver will now query the domain name server and return the answer in the call-back procedure.
The IP address was given in dot notation and did not conform to the proper syntax.
No gateway available to handle routing of packets to off-network destinations.
Insufficient internal driver buffers available to fragment this packet on send.
The icmp echo packet was not responded to in the timeout period.
The destination host is not responding to address resolution requests.
The packet is too large to send without fragmenting and the Don't Fragment flag is set.
A stream is already open using this local UDP port or a TCP connection already exists between this local IP address and TCP port, and the specified remote IP address and TCP port.
There was a TCP-level timeout.
The connection could not be made; the server is either unavailable or refusing connections.
The RDS refers to receive buffers not owned by the user.
The receive buffer area pointer is 0.
The connection has been terminated.
An open stream is already using this receive buffer area.
The specified TCP or UDP stream is not open.
There are already 64 TCP or UDP streams open.
There is no open connection.
The TCP or UDP stream already has an open connection.
The total amount of data described by the WDS was either 0 or greater than 65,535 bytes.
The server has unexpectedly closed the connection.
Either there was an error in getting the address from a server or the address is already in use by another machine.
There isn't enough room in the application heap.
A configuration resource is missing.
The manually set address is configured improperly.
I am unable to initialize the local network handler.